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Art Print Framed Photogravure Decouple by Paul Tavernier
Art Print Framed Photogravure Decouple by Paul Tavernier

Art Print Framed Photogravure Decouple by Paul Tavernier

Regular price $175.00 $150.00 Sale

From a Nashville collection, this is a lovely sepia print entitled, "Decouple" by Tavernier. Paul Tavernier, 1852-1943 was a French artist of the mid 19th century specializing in sporting art. This photogravure's subject matter is a French huntsman decoupling fox hounds with a rider in the back ground. The actual image, including the title and the name of the artist measures 7 1/2" x 9". Including the wooden frame it measures 11 1/2" x 13 1/2". The print is in pristine condition, but . It was professionally framed in Nashville.